mardi 6 août 2019

anniversaire • la compositrice et chanteuse, barbara strozzi, aurait 400 ans aujourd’hui

L'Ensemble Artaserse (Yoko Nakamura, clavecin - Christine Plubeau, viole de gambe - Angelique Mauillon, harpe - Marc Wolff, luth) et Céline Scheen (soprano) interprètent Che si può fare op. 8 de Barbara Strozzi. Soirée enregistrée en public dimanche 10 mars 2019 à 18h au Studio 104 de la Maison de la Radio et présenté par Clément Rochefort.

Soprano Mary Bevan and theorbo player Elizabeth Kenny perform Lagrime Mie by the famed Venetian composer Barbara Strozzi.

Watch them perform it as part of our concert devoted to Strozzi's music at Kings Place, on Thursday 10 January 2018

Adriana Ruiz, soprano - Songs of Barbara Strozzi
Amor dormiglione, from Op. 2
Che si può fare, from Op. 8
Così non la voglio, from Op. 7
Tradimento, from Op. 7

Recorded in Auer Hall at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music as part of Early Music America's 2018 Emerging Artists Showcase during the Bloomington Early Music Festival.

Le 6 août 1619, il y a 400 ans aujourd’hui, naissait à Padoue le compositrice et chanteuse Barbara Strozzi...

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